by GG4L


ZUNI Learning Tree

ZUNI Learning Tree is a new online learning platform designed to make it easy to give equitable access to quality open educational resources to EVERYONE!

Plant (save) your favorite resources and build learning gardens. Share and collaborate on resources. Assign in ZUNI or add to Google Classroom or copy and paste to your LMS. Customize ZUNI to meet the needs of your state, district, school, teacher and students easily!

One Screen Interactive Touch Screen Panels

ZUNI partners with OneScreen interactive touch screen panels to bring you classroom tools that will increase student engagement and joy while learning.
3G Ram, 64G Storage, 20 pt touch,
eshare, OneScreen Central Remote management, Hype video conferencing, annotation

-3-year warranty
-Android 8 & OPS options
-Free training & technical support for the life of the board
-1 Year Meerkat-Tech Emergency Notifcations for Teachers
-1Year ZUNI Learning Tree classroom license
-Only interactive board with a Qualcomm U.S. build chip

Meerkat Safe

Meerkat uses a specialized 3-D map to ensure safety across your campus.

Alert selected team members across the campus when specified events occur. Track student incidents, health emergencies and more.

Brought to you in partnership with ZUNI Learning Tree.

ZUNI Learning Tree Professional Development

Working together, we can harness the power of free and open educational resources customized to your state. arnessing the power of OERs for ALL STUDENTS with ZUNI Learning Tree’s easy-to-use online learning platform means everyone will benefit.

ZUNI Learning Tree Professional Development will provide concrete examples of OER materials that work for your state and will increase student learning.

ZUNI Learning Tree

Promo Video

Achievement is an elusive thing. Achieving one thing leads to setting the next goal to achieve something else. When we achieve a goal, we develop a sense of confidence, pride and joy in our capabilities.
At ZUNI we believe it is imperative that our students learn and discover how to raise their achievement in all areas of life, not just academics, but in becoming the creative, dynamic, positively contributing human being they were born to be. We do it because we care. We are a team of administrators, teachers, parents and learners who dared to step out and find a way to support all those we love and care about.

We are a grassroots movement promoting the passion for lifelong learning and achieving not only as a student, but more importantly as a compassionate human being.