by GG4L


SKY Schools SEL and Breathwork for Educators

We offer comprehensive SEL and breathwork for educators and parents to increase wellness, improve performance and thrive. Our programs for adults have been researched by leading neuroscientists, and SKY programs have shown excellent results for teachers and school leaders.

- 74.5% reduction in office referrals
- 48-79% of students reported feeling more calm and relaxed
- 41-78% reported overall feeling better and happier
- 48-75% felt better able to manage stress
- 41-75% felt better able to manage emotions
- 41-81% felt better able to focus

SKY Schools SEL and Breathwork Curriculum for Students

SKY Schools SEL and Breathwork Curriculum is evidence-based and expands as students grow and learn to master wellness techniques. Our full curriculum is taught from grades K-12. Each piece offers students powerful tools to release stress and increase energy and focus.

SKY fosters self-confidence, resilience and self-mastery. It boosts focus and concentration for test-taking, and helps schools reduce disruption and distraction by increasing calm, energy and focus. These practices are evidence based / recognized by CASEL and carefully measured.

SKY Schools

Program Catalog:

Promo Video

SKY Schools* offers equitable, evidence-based SEL programs for students (K-12), educators, and parents. Our values-based curriculum uplifts qualities such as responsibility, commitment, empathy, collaboration, and resilience.

Curriculum includes:

Targeted SKY breathing techniques to help reduce stress, manage emotions, and process trauma
Restorative practices that empower students, educators, and parents
Effective conflict resolution skills that improve relationships inside and outside of school.
Fun, collaborative games and processes that increase self-awareness, build leadership skills, and incorporate vigorous physical activity
Since 2009 SKY Schools has reached over 110,000 USA students/300,000 students worldwide. SKY Schools Research & Impact Report

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