by GG4L


Evidence Base

Delivery Method


18 items


Ed Tech Tool
K-12 Assessment
Special Education Ed Tech Tools

SpacesEDU is a digital portfolio and proficiency-based assessment platform built to showcase growth. Students, teachers, and families can ...

School Districts are leveraging SpacesEDU to meet a number of objectives:

Student Portfolios K-12
Competency-Based Education & ...


Core Curriculum
ECE-12 Ed Tech Tools

Bright SUITE is an all-in-one enterprise management solution that allows districts to save money, improve student retention, and create a ...

While every district’s budget is different, the average savings for a district implementing Bright SUITE is 30%, in addition to reduced ...


ECE-12 Special Education

Bright SPED Special Education & 504 Management provides a comprehensive, time-saving, web-based tool for special ed programs that address ...

4TELLX Dashboards

Ed Tech Tool

4TellX brings industry-leading data analytics to education by connecting school district data from multiple systems to customizable ...

4TELLX improves: teacher-to-student matching to increase passing rates, program evaluations to boost ROI, evaluations of various ...

School Passport

Core Curriculum
ECE-12 Health / SEL

School Passport® is a data exchange platform that exchanges any data with any EdTech product, eliminates the need to share student PII and ...

School Passport mpowers schools govern the exchange of student, staff, and parent PII data with SaaS vendors, approve and publish apps to a ...

Certified School Passport Administrator Internship

Supplemental Curriculum
8-12 CCR / CTE
Computer Science STEM / STEAM

The Certified School Passport Administrator (CSPA) program offers high school students a 60-hour internship with a
mix of academic and ...

Skills gained in this internship with GG4L offer future employment opportunities and are also relevant for other SaaS based enterprise ...

Career Passport for IT Professionals

Professional Learning Solution

The Career Passport for IT Professionals offers self-paced IT training. IT professionals get a custom designed course focused on data ...

Career growth and development.

Learning Tree

Ed Tech Tool

LearningTree is the first LMS designed from its root architecture to provide adaptive learning experiences, organization & integration of ...

Exceptional Learning Solutions

ECE-12 Special Education

Manage your district’s exceptional learning needs, including special education, RTI, 504, and ELL with Authentica Solutions’ best of ...

My Path

K-5 Math
Ed Tech Tools

Teaching students with different learning needs in the same classroom is a challenge under any circumstances. With achievement gaps widening ...

Edgenuity’s next generation of MyPath is designed to personalize learning in reading and math for every student by using assessment ...


Ed Tech Tool
K-12 Intervention
Assessment Ed Tech Tools

Proliftic is a student data insights platform that delivers critical whole-child data insights & guidance. It unifies team understanding & ...


Ed Tech Tool

Schoolytics combines data from multiple systems into one place, giving you real-time dashboards and tools to save you time and help you meet ...

Students in Schoolytics classrooms are up to 10% more likely to complete their assignments on time.