by GG4L
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Assessment CCR / CTE Health / SEL Assessment Tools Grade Level 4-12
Supplemental Curriculum
This program can be used effectively by individuals
Summative Assessments Included
Formative Assessments Included
Resources to Consider


Ed Tech Tool

SpacesEDU is a digital portfolio and proficiency-based assessment platform built to showcase growth. Students, teachers, and families can ...

School Districts are leveraging SpacesEDU to meet a number of objectives:

Student Portfolios K-12
Competency-Based Education & ...

Education Galaxy Online

Ed Tech Tool

Effective solutions designed to maximize student achievement at each grade level for your elementary and intermediate campuses.

Schools that integrated our solutions into their classrooms, averaged a 6-point increase in student performance on their state tests.

MI Write

Supplemental Curriculum

Our web-based learning environment saves teachers valuable time without sacrificing meaningful instruction and interaction with students. MI ...

Research on MI Write shows that students revise more than traditional pencil-and-paper writing and demonstrate strong improvements in ...


Ed Tech Tool

Harness the proven cognitive benefits of concept mapping in one convenient, cloud-based learning and assessment platform!

Decades of research supports the efficacy of concept mapping! The National Assessment of Educational Progress even recommends it. Concept ...