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Unreal Futures: Careers in Fashion

Go behind the scenes and see how interactive 3D is changing the fashion industry in 'Unreal Futures: Careers in Fashion,' featuring Burberry and the Fashion Innovation Agency. You’ll also be introduced to new and exciting careers in design, retail, and digital-only fashion that are being driven by interactive 3D. Finally, you’ll add to your digital portfolio by creating a dramatic interactive fashion experience of your own using Unreal Engine.


Point of Contact at Unreal Engines is Steve Isaacs, Education Program Manager

Steve Isaacs is the Education Program Manager at Epic Games. His mission in this role is to support educators and students in exploring career opportunities that leverage interactive 3d skills. Prior to his role at Epic, Steve was a public school teacher for 28 years, teaching game design and development as well as other courses related to creative uses of technology.

Steve can be reached via email at or on twitter:

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